Welcome to the Apocalyptic Wiki! This site is designed as a repository of information, particularly in cases where official sources are unavailable. It’s not intended to replicate platforms like archive.org but rather serves as a complement to their mission. Whenever possible, information will be linked to the primary source or provided with an archive.org link if the primary source is not accessible. Additionally, this repository contains knowledge about critical internet components that can be used to bootstrap if unavailable, and it serves as a guide to maintaining access to knowledge even when access is restricted.
This is not somewhere to host illegal content.
The long term plan of this wiki is to have snapshots of the wiki available for download exported to a format that is easy to reproduce, print, or store locally. A wiki format was chosen instead of Git for ease of modification and lower the barrier of entry for participation.
For now, please excuse the dust while I knowledge dump and organize. This is essentially an early “alpha” of the site, and it is not available for registration while I lay some of the groundwork.
Find out more information about the goals and intentions of this wiki in the meta information.